Decimal to Octal Converter

Only numbers. No commas. Dot for decimal.
1 in decimal = 1 in octal
1 in decimal also equal to:
1 in binary1 in octal1 in hexadecimal1 in base-21 in base-31 in base-41 in base-51 in base-61 in base-71 in base-81 in base-91 in base-101 in base-161 in base-201 in base-241 in base-321 in base-36


Definition of Decimal Number System: The decimal number system is the base-10 number system. It uses the ten digits, from 0 to 9.

The decimal numbers are the most widely used in daily life all over the world.


Definition of Octal Number System: The octal number system is the base-8 number system, and uses the digits 0 to 7. That is to say 10octal represents eight and 100octal represents sixty-four.

In the early phase of modern computer development, 6-bit, 12-bit binary words were vastly used. Octal numbers were ideal for abbreviating those words. In the current times, however, 32-bit, 64-bits and even bigger binary words are used in computers.