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Convert Number into Arabic Words

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This tool converts numerical text into Arabic language words. We often need to write numbers written in Arabic words -- especially in financial documents. For example, on bank cheques we always write amount in words too. This helps in preventing financial frauds.

This tool can also convert negative and fractional numbers in words.


  • 261293.98 in Arabic words will be مائتان و واحد و ستون ألف و مائتان و ثلاثة و تسعون فاصل تسعة ثمانية

Numbers in Arabic Words

#Arabic NumeralIn Words
Zero٠صِفْر (sifr)
One١واحد (waḥid)
Two٢إثْنان (ʾiṯnān)
Three٣ثَلاثة (ṯalāṯah)
Four٤أربَعة (ʾarbaʿah)
Five٥خَمْسة (ḫamsah)
Six٦سِتّة (sittah)
Seven٧سَبعة (sabʿah)
Eight٨ثَمانية (ṯamāniyah)
Nine٩تِسعة (tisʿah)
Ten١٠عَشْرة (ʿašrah)