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Scientific Calculator

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Fully functional online scientific calculator with memory function. This calculator has mathematical functions like exp, log, ln, square root, cube root, sin, cos, tan, pi, 1/x, x^y etc.

What is a Scientific Calculator?

The 'scientific' calculator is a misnomer. In reality, it is actually a calculator with advanced mathematical functions like root, power, exponential and trigonometric functions. A basic calculator, in contrast, provides arithmetic operations like addition, substraction, multiplication, division and percentage.

What is the function of e key on calculator?

The e key is a shortcut to type Euler's number. The Euler's number is a constant like pi equal to 2.718281828...

What is the difference between C, CE and AC keys on a calculator?

C stands for Clear, CE stands for Clear Entry and AC stands for All Clear; all these keys remove all or some entries from the calculator display. The CE key works like a backspace key on a personal computer keyboard. It removes most of the latest entry from the display. AC and C keys remove all the entries from the display.