Land Area Converter (Indian Units)

Land Area Measurement Units Used in India

A variety of land area mesaurement units are used in different parts of India. Some of the commonly used land measurement units in India include gaj, bigha, killa, kanal, marla, biswa, guntha, nali, kuncham, dismil and murabba etc.

People like property-dealers and house/plot buyers often need to convert among these area/land measurement units. For example if you're buying a property in Noida, you may be told that the propery size is 1500 square feet. If you're more used to with units like sq gaj, sq yards or sq meters --then the above converter will come handy to you.

Indian Land Area Units Converter

This tool can quickly calculate and convert area given in one unit into any other unit.

Square Feet to Square Meters Conversion

These two units are used all across India. Square feet and square meters are often used to measure area of a plot of land or residential flats.

  • One square feet is equal to 0.093 square meters
  • One square meter is equal to 10.764 square feet

Square Yards to Square Feet Calculator

Yard and Gaj are equal units, i.e. one yard is equal to one gaj. Yard and gaj are primarily used in Hindi-belt states like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana etc.

  • One yard or gaj = 9 square feet
  • One yard or gaj = 0.836 square meters
  • You can use the above given calculator to convert between sq yards and sq feet.