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ISBN Barcode Generator

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What is ISBN Number?

An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique identifier for books and other monographic publications. It's essentially like a fingerprint for a book, allowing for easy identification and tracking. Typically, it consists of 13 digits if assigned after 1 January 2007, or 10 digits if assigned before that date. Publishers, booksellers, and libraries use ISBNs to manage and organize their inventory, making it easier for them to locate specific titles.

What is ISBN Barcode?

An ISBN barcode is a graphical representation of the ISBN encoded in a machine-readable format. It allows for quick and accurate scanning of the ISBN during inventory management, sales transactions, and other book-related processes. The barcode typically appears on the back cover of a book or on the inside cover near the copyright information. It consists of a series of parallel lines of varying widths, along with accompanying numbers, that represent the numerical digits of the ISBN.

ISBN Barcode Generator Tool

The AceOnlineTools ISBN Barcode Generator instantly converts an ISBN number into a barcode. You can download the barcode and use it on books. This feature-rich generator tool allows you to customize ISBN barcode in many ways, including:

  • Color: You can change the bar color and background color of the barcode.
  • Size: Width and height of the barcode can be easily selected and you can see the preview in real-time.
  • Font: Font family, style, alignment and size can be customized for the ISBN appearing along with the barcode.
  • Spacing: Padding around the barcode and distance between barcode and number can be customized.

Format of ISBN Number

The format of an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) depends on its version. As of 2007, ISBNs have 13 digits, divided into five parts separated by hyphens or spaces. Here's a breakdown:

  • Prefix Element (3 digits): This identifies the language or geographic area of the publisher.
  • Registration Group Element (1 to 5 digits): This identifies the country, geographic region, or language area participating in the ISBN system.
  • Registrant Element (1 to 7 digits): This identifies the publisher or entity responsible for the publication.
  • Publication Element (1 to 6 digits): This identifies the specific edition or format of a publication.
  • Check Digit (1 digit): This is calculated based on the other digits of the ISBN and is used for error detection.

For example, a valid ISBN might look like this: 978-9-392820-47-2.

Before 2007, ISBNs consisted of 10 digits, which were divided into four parts.